Some public projects
Here I list some public projects I've done.
Kinect handtrack hack

Wave hands in the air to draw "Hi" . This is a kinect hack based on libfreenect
I wrote a tutorial here
Robot at a hackathon

My robot in a hackathon. I cut a wheel chair as the rotor. Designed models and 3D-printed gears for lifting things. Used a re-designed can as the robotic hand to catch eggs, put eggs into hot pot, boiled it. All I need to do is wait there and eat. :D
Media's report about this event is here You'd better know Chinese language.
My DIY drone systems

My DIY drone systems. It's a big work but very interesting. More info about this drone can be found at my drone and radio settings I also made other quad copters, write software for drones.

DIY drones. 1. quad copter with Ardupilot system 2. racing quad with CC3D/Cleanflight system
Hack a multimeter

Reverse engineered the output data of a multimeter and decode it on any platform so that we can use that multimeter to record live Duty Cycle, Current, Voltage, Resistance, Capcity on your computer including windows, Linux, MacOS.
Details can be found at here
Lots of software, hardware, physics, coding, fun, testing, deployment, production...
Gonna add more if I have time...